As promised last week.....
The OPTIMAL ranges/results on your blood test results 👇
This is where we want to aim for for great health, vitality, energy and longevity👇
Remember, these are not the "normal" measures because "normal" represents the "normal" population and like I said last week, when I look around me at the increasing levels of disease including diabetes, chronic fatigue, obesity, allergies, asthma, hormone related conditions and worse, I don't want to be "normal"!
Ferritin (Iron studies) 85 - 100 ug/L
AST (Liver function) below 26 U/L
ALT (Liver function) below 26 U/L
Bicarbonate (General chemistry) 27 -29 nmol/L
Lipid Panel
LDL 2.5 nmol/L or less
HDL above 1nmol/L
The ratio of LDL:HDL is the important marker
Ideally the ratio should be 3:1 or less. 2HDL:1LDL is ideal
Triglycerides less than 1.5 nmol/L
Thyroid studies
TSH 1-2 mU/L
T4 14-15 pmol/L
T3 5 - 7 pmol/L
RT3 140 - 340 pmol/L
Thyroid antibodies less than 50
Hormones - blood tests are not entirely accurate and results will vary according to whether or not you are menstruating and at what point in your cycle the test was done.
Our bodies are amazing and our body will always strive to achieve a a state of homeostasis in our blood
For example, excess estrogen in our blood serum is removed and stored in fat cells.
Hence, saliva tests are are a more accurate diagnostic tool for hormones
Vitamin D 100 - 200 nmol/L
Vitamin B12 500+ pmol/l
Zinc 14 - 22 µmol/L
Glucose (fasting) 3.5 - 4.7 nmol/L
The results above are indicative of
a well functioning thyroid
a well functioning liver and
optimal bodily pH levels
If your blood test results fall within these ranges it is indicative of good health however, it you have nagging symptoms or you just don't feel right, please don't ignore these signs, LISTEN to your body!
Signs such as these are not "normal"
skin issues
sleep challenges
lack of energy
unexplained weight gain
painful cycles
hot flushes
These are all signs that something is not right
Maybe your body is craving various nutrients or your hormones are trying to tell you something
👉 Dig deeper and don't ever be told that these symptoms are "normal"
👉 If you are unsure as to who to talk to or where to turn next book a Wellness Chat by clicking on the button below
Next week I will share with you how a really yucky skin issue turned out to be a "sign" that my hormones were needing some attention!
Happy Healthy Wishes Always
Lou 🌸🤗🌸