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Have You Been Stooged?


I have!!😖

And once I knew I'd been stooged I got angry😡

Angry because big companies care more about their profit than our health

Angry because our governing bodies don't give a damn

Angry that we then have to pay taxes to support a sickness system rather than a health system

My anger is still simmering, however I've turned it into a passion. I have a passion for helping others uncover the dangers that lurk in our everyday household products

Did you know that we are exposed to many 100's of chemicals every single day?

Some of these are known carcinogens, some mimic our own natural hormones causing hormonal havoc or they disrupt the brilliant messaging system that our body endeavours to conduct every day and some are know to be related to conditions such as gut dysbiosis, asthma and eczema.

Thankfully I was alerted to these hidden dangers several years ago by an Immunologist

If you are curious to know more about this you can read my story here

To be honest when he opened my eyes to the dangerous suspects in some of our cleaning and cosmetic products I was pretty sad and disappointed. I'd been buying products that I thought were safe. On the labels they made claims such as "organic"; "vegan"; "no harsh chemicals"; "aluminium free"; "derived from plants" but I'd been stooged, these claims were "greenwashing" me into thinking these products were safe for my family and I to use

My next thought was, "but there's only a little bit in each product so it's ok right"

Unfortunately it's not ok. Considering I might use up to 15 products a day and some of them multiple times each day, it became obvious that all the "little bits" were adding up to "a big bit".

To demonstrate:

  • Hand soap - multiple times a day

  • Hand sanitiser - multiple times a day

  • Facial cleanser - twice a day

  • Moisturiser - twice a day

  • Shampoo

  • Conditioner

  • Hair serum

  • Dry shampoo

  • Hand and body lotion

  • Dish soap - multiple times a day

  • Laundry detergent

  • Stain remover

  • Bench top spray - multiple times a day

  • Make up - foundation, mascara, blush, lipstick

  • Perfume

  • Deodorant

➡️ The lotions and potions we use on our skin have the potential to enter our bloodstream and affect our organs - think about how nicotine patches work!

➡️ When we inhale the scent of our favourite perfume, room freshener or body lotion we are inhaling hundreds of chemicals which ultimately affect our bodies - think glue sniffing!!

There are over 80.000 different chemicals commonly used to manufacture everyday household products and many of these have not been tested for long term safety

Many of them hang around in our fatty tissues and other vital areas of the body because our amazing detoxification pathways are simply overwhelmed and cannot cope with the extra burden

Interestingly, these synthetic chemicals are often the root cause for conditions such as:

  • Fatigue

  • Hormonal havoc

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Weight gain

  • Skin issues

  • Gut issues

  • Acute and chronic illness

Did you know that there are over 1130 chemicals now banned in European countries that are still used here in Australia?

This is just one example:

If you think I'm exaggerating or a little over the top I understand!

It's hard to fathom right? If you'd like to read more, The Environmental Working Group website is a wealth of information as is the Chemical Maze App

Help is On The Way.......

Would you like some help to uncover what may be lurking in your kitchen, laundry and bathroom cupboards?

➡️ Download the App called "Ingred" onto your mobile phone.

It's simple to use and will help you identify the nasties so you can make an informed decision about whether or not to use a product

➡️ Register here to receive my free Switch and Ditch Guide to get you started. Simple swaps that make a huge difference!

Do it for you - Reduce the Load on your Body!

Happy Healthy Wishes Always

Lou 🌸😊🌸



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