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Baby steps first......


Sometimes you’ve got to start with the simple things

From many failed attempts at implementing change I know now I’ve got to start with "baby steps"

Overwhelm and over- information in my case, often leads to a big fat FAIL and in some cases I don’t even make a start!

If it’s too hard, it often just doesn’t happen

Does this sound familiar to you?

At this time of the year many of us are revising our goals and visions and planning and hoping for a better year than the last

The most common visions that people consider at this time of the year involve aspects of health and wellness

For example, I want to lose weight

I want to be fitter

I want to have more energy

I want to sleep better

I want to eat better

But given the wealth of information out there on all the social media platforms and of course, Dr. Google, it’s easy to see why we get so confused and overwhelmed

There are many basic principals to good health, nutrition and in fact, weight loss that tend to get drowned out by all the fancy fan-dangled fads going around so I thought I’d offer you 5 of my super simple tips to get you started for 2022

My approach to health and wellness is a holistic one, there’s seldom an aspect to your wellness that isn’t affected by many different factors My free resource includes some great tips that cover broad bases of sleep, good nutrition, hormone health and even my most favourite - never-should-you-be-without-supplement!

You can download your free tips for 2022 here

And…. I have another freebie for you!

If you’d really like to nail your health and wellness goals this year how about starting with a FREE 45 minute wellness chat?

Totally no obligation but a chance to hit me up with a few questions about your wellness goals and some free advice!

Book your Wellness Chat here: Wellness Chat

Wishing you all fun, health and more of what you love for 2022

Lou 🌸

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